
How to sustain engagement | Talent Insight Group

Written by Joshua Aubrey | July 10, 2024 9:22:52 AM Z

Behind every successful organisation is a team of highly engaged employees. So, it makes sense that focusing on employee engagement will improve productivity, performance, and the bottom line.

While engaging employees with one-off events, sporadic perks, and big wins may be easy, it’s much harder to sustain that engagement over time. Here’s what we recommend prioritising to encourage long-term employee engagement.

Mission, purpose & values

Buy-in to your organisation’s mission, purpose and values is at the heart of employee engagement. If your people don’t believe in what you’re working towards, they are likely to be less effective and more likely to leave. LinkedIn reports that companies with a stronger employer brand have turnover rates that are 28% lower than those with a weaker proposition.

Learning & Development

93% of employees would stay at a company longer if it would invest in their careers. Making time to assess an individual's capabilities, where skills may need to be developed and where they excel, will help equip them to fulfil the role at hand and assess their potential for future moves. Once they are up to speed in their current position, allowing the individual to guide the direction of travel ensures they are bought into the development process and a future in the business.


Reports have shown that only one-third of workers received recognition the last time they went above and beyond, yet receiving a thank you for a job well done can go a long way towards ensuring employees feel appreciated. From small thank-you notes and words of appreciation to internal recognition, awards and nominations to external awards, developing a culture of recognition is one of the most cost-effective engagement tactics.

Giving honest feedback

Honest feedback enables growth, which supports the delivery of better work and more effective delegation. Of course, care must be taken in how it is delivered. To be most effective, we recommend offering specific constructive feedback that allows the individual to understand how to improve.

Regular 1:1s

Regular check-ins are vital to tracking progress, supporting individuals' success, and discussing their personal goals and ambitions. Committing to a regular slot creates safety for your team and helps build a trusting relationship.

Personal check-ins

Often overlooked but equally important is taking time to check in with your team on a personal level and offer support where necessary. This isn’t as formal as a meeting, but rather making time for more incidental chats and asking open questions that allow them to raise any issues or personal matters they’d like to discuss.

Encouraging honest feedback

Asking your employees for their input and opinions shows they are valued. This matters both in terms of work projects and their view on the business and how it is managed. You can do this in the moment by asking for input and in more reflective surveys. Where there are issues, ensure you ask for specific examples so that you can act and implement changes where appropriate.

Consistent communication

Organisations are notoriously bad at communicating with their people, so sticking to your comms plan is just as important as the strategy itself. Be as transparent as possible about the wider business plans and direction of travel and ensure that there is regular communication and an opportunity to engage, even when there are no new announcements.